Two questions submitted by Sara. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Darlene.
The leaves on my lilac are turning black. It is still in the pot that I got from the store about a month ago and waiting to plant it until Fall. What should I do for it?
The bark of this tree seems to have a growth all over it, What is it and what should I do? It is an Accolade Elm 2.5″
First one on the lilac
I’m not sure what is wrong with the lilac leaves. I would like a photo of the underside of the leaves as it may be an insect or it could be a fungal disease. How often has this lilac been watered and how much sun is it getting? It may just need to be planted but I would like to see the underside of the leaves before you do anything.
Second on about the bark on a elm
The growth on this tree is lichens. Lichens are using the tree as a substrate, a place to live. They also live on rocks. Lichens do not harm the tree, nor do they get nutrients or water from the tree. Often lichens are on trees that are having other health issues, but they are not causing these health problems. Penn State Extension has a good video on this subject: Click here
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