Ask a Master Gardener
Do you have a lawn or gardening question or are you stumped with a plant or pest problem? If so, fill out the form below with your question giving as much detail as possible. Also, if possible, please attach a photo of the issue. A photo can be helpful in diagnosing the problem. Before you submit your question please check our Blog to see if your question has been answered in a previous post or if you are inclined to do your own research here’s a link to Purdue’s Indiana Yard and Garden.
The question you post using the form below will be researched and answered within 72 hours by a Hancock County, Indiana Advanced Master Gardener. We will email the answer to you; your question and answer may also be published (anonymously) on our website blog.
We protect your privacy. The email address and personal information you provide will be used only by Master Gardeners to respond to your request. We will never provide, share, or sell your personal information to any third party, except as required by law.
Here are answers to your lawn or gardening questions.
Debby asks; Bugs are eating my petunias this year. Any idea what bug this is (see attached photo) and how I can get rid of them safely?
By Don
Debby: the bug you have is called a Japanese Beetle. If there are many, they will defoliate a plant leaves quickly. The best and safest way to dispose of these rascals is to pick them off the plant and drop into a container of water with a few drops of dishwashing soap. (Wear disposable gloves if you are a bit squeamish). They will drown and die … [Read More...]
Jan asks a question about Moon Flowers
By Don
This Question was submitted by Jan. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Elaine What is your question for a Master Gardener? Hi, I have a question about Moon Flowers. I have heard that their family member Trumpet Flowers are poisonous and I am wondering about the Moon Flowers. I have the bush variety growing in my garden and … [Read More...]
Brian wants to know what are the brown spots on his hydrangea
By Don
This question was submitted by Brian. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Darlene. I realize that my hydrangea needs fertilizer, but what are the brown spots? They are more prominent on the top side of the leaf and less so on the underside. Is this insect damage? I'm in Cumberland on the east side of Indianapolis. The … [Read More...]
Can you help me identify this flower?
By Don
This question was submitted by Debby. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. Can you help me identify this flower? When I bought it, they told me it was a princess lily. I’m not sure. I absolutely love it and want to purchase more but want to be looking for the right thing. Thanks in advance for your help! Hi Debby, … [Read More...]
Sara is concerned-Black lilac leaves and growth on elm tree bark
By Don
Two questions submitted by Sara. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Darlene. The leaves on my lilac are turning black. It is still in the pot that I got from the store about a month ago and waiting to plant it until Fall. What should I do for it? The bark of this tree seems to have a growth all over it, What is it and … [Read More...]
Debbie’s “Bigleaf” hydrangeas did not bloom at all this year
By Don
This question was submitted by Debbie. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Darlene. My “Bigleaf” hydrangeas did not bloom at all this year.; Abracadabra,,Quick Fire, Cityline. Nothing but leaves. Last year, I did not trim after Fall. This Spring I let them come up on their new wood , as usual & nothing. Previously, they were … [Read More...]
Can you identify this flower? I have no clue.
By Don
This question was submitted by Barbara . Researched and answered by advanced Master Gardener Bruce. What is your question for a Master Gardener? Can you identify this flower? I have no clue. Hi Barbara, Thanks for your question. The flower is called a Five Spot. It is native to California but is used a lot in wildflower mixes, flower … [Read More...]
Susan is concerned about her brown Buckeye tree leaves.
By Don
What is your question for Ask A Master Gardener We have a buckeye tree that is looking mostly brown. I am afraid it is dying. This spring it bloomed and looked healthy. It is by a creek so it seems to have an adequate water supply. Response by Advanced Master Gardener Darlene There could be a couple reasons for the brown leaves, but without a … [Read More...]
Sara asks questions about flowering bulb’s .
By Don
This question was submitted by Sara. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Darlene What is your question for a Master Gardener? Flower bulbs. When do I plant them and where can I find a list of bulbs that will grow in New Palestine IN and their light requirements? I love spring flowers and peonies (which I don't think grow from … [Read More...]
Barbara asks why second year Columbine is not blooming.
By Don
This question was submitted by Barbara. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Elaine. What is your question for a Master Gardener? I have what looks to be a columbine plant that I planted from seed. This is the second year for it and I thought it would bloom this past spring but it did not. Why? It is very large. I live in … [Read More...]
Lilacs and Hydrangea – When is the best time to plant?
By Don
This question was submitted by Sara. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Elaine. What is your question for a Master Gardener? I have purchased Lilacs and Hydrangea for my yard in New Palestine. They are in those buckets from Home Depot. I know the best time to plant is Fall or Spring. Should I wait to plant these until … [Read More...]
Huge Green Caterpillar With Eggs on my Tomato Plant
By Don
This question was submitted by Jerrilee and researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Elaine. What is your question for a Master Gardener? There is a huge green caterpillar on my tomato plant with white things (looks) like eggs covering it? The caterpillar you referred to in your question is likely a Tomato Hornworm (Manduca … [Read More...]
A local vegetable gardener asks; why is my cucumber plant not producing fruit.
By Don
This question was submitted by a local vegetable gardener. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. What is your question for a Master Gardener? I have two cucumber plants that initially produced one cucumber but since has not had any. There are plenty of blossoms. It gets watered once a day. The soil seems to be damp but not … [Read More...]
Sara Asks; What is the best time to plant new trees.
By Don
This question was submitted by Sara. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. What is your question for a Master Gardener? What is the best time of year to plant trees (not evergreen or fruit trees) that are purchased from a nursery? Is there special soil mix to use when planting them? New Palestine IN area. Thanks Sara for … [Read More...]
Kathy asks; What are the brown spots on my tomatoes
By Don
What is your question for a Master Gardener? This question was submitted by Kathy and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. I’ve been trying to grow tomatoes for years but something always happens! My plants have looked very healthy so far but today I’ve noticed several tomatoes with what looks like blossom end rot but on the SIDE of … [Read More...]
Bee Balm With Powdery Mildew
By Don
What is your question for a Master Gardener? This question was submitted by Sherry and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. I have a three year old patch of bee balm. Gorgeous and seemingly happy , healthy, and spreading more each year and then mid June comes the powdery mildew. Now it is looking spindly, blooms and the petals just … [Read More...]
Scott Having Trouble Growing Roses
By Don
This question was submitted by Scott. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. What is your question for a Master Gardener? I grew roses in Nevada and they were very successful. My attempts at growing roses in Indiana, not so much. Can you provide some basic tips on growing roses in Indiana? My … [Read More...]
Wilting Cucumber Leaves
By Don
This question was submitted by Diane. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. What is your question for a Master Gardener? I transplanted a cucumber plant from a big box store and it looked beautiful for several weeks. Lots of both male and female blossoms, large leaves (no apparent sign of bugs), and plenty of new growth. … [Read More...]
Michelle Asks For Help With Multiple Tree Problems
By Don
This question was submitted by Michelle and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce after a site visit, research and consultations with the Master Gardener team. What is your question for a Master Gardener? Hi! I have some concerns with trees this year and hope it is just due to the crazy weather (despite the fact I watered the young ones 3-4 … [Read More...]
Randy Asks Multiple Questions For Starting a Raised Bed Garden
By Don
Questions from Randy: I am starting my own elevated garden bed at home and I need advice. 1.) What vegetables would you recommend starting off with in this hobby for beginners? 2.) How often would you recommend watering these vegetables and with how many inches of water? 3.) What brand or type of vegetable fertilizer would you recommend for … [Read More...]
From Bobbi; Help-Early Blight On Tomatoes
By Don
What is your question for a Master Gardener? I have a gardening question. The last few years I’ve gotten early blight fungus that has affected my tomatoes. What can I do to get that out of my soil? I’ve rotated my crops. I only have a 10X10 garden space. Researched and answered by Advanced Master Gardener Bruce. Thanks for your … [Read More...]
Fruit Tree Questions
By Don
Amy asks several questions for proper care of her fruit trees. Response by Master Gardener Bruce: Hi Amy, Thanks for your your question about your fruit trees. It's good that you have cut the dead out of your pear tree. You may want to prune it to maximize your pear production. The best time to prune is late winter. Here is a link for … [Read More...]
Strawberries Didn’t Bloom and Produce
By Don
This is a question asked by Julie, a strawberry gardener: Hi, if my ever-bearing strawberries (planted this year) didn’t bloom and produce, should I leave them and see if they produce next year? Thanks! Julie Answer by Master Gardener Bruce: Hi Julie, Thanks for your question about unproductive strawberries. Newly planted … [Read More...]
Tomatoes Slow to Ripen
By Don
Question Hi Master Gardener, For the first time ever, I planted tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets, using Schultz garden & vegetable dirt with 2" mulch on top of dirt. They get 7-8 hours of sunshine, I water every day if no rain. The plants are 4-6 feet tall, healthy with the usual leaf production ( I pruned the suckers as the plants matured.) … [Read More...]
Pruning Grape Vines
Question: How do you prune a grape vine? Answer: Many varieties of grapes grow well in Indiana, and pruning is a vital part of successful grape production. Below is a general introduction to pruning and some resources for more detailed descriptions of the process. You should start pruning your grape vine in its very first year. You want to create … [Read More...]
Tomatoes and Container Gardening
Question: I am planning for my 2019 tomato garden already. What I want to do is grow 8-10 tomato plants in five gallon buckets. They will be "Beefmasters" and "Better Boys." I plan to drill 5 to 6 1/2" holes in the bottom of the buckets for drainage. I will fill the buckets about 2/3 full with a mix of potting soil and top soil and layer 2" of … [Read More...]
Japanese Beetles
Question: What can I do about Japanese beetles? Is this just a bad year for them? This is our first year to have a garden at our new place and these little pests are flocking to my garden. My bean leaves are in shreds along with my pumpkin leaves. They are now starting on my okra. Answer: We feel your pain with the Japanese beetle outbreak … [Read More...]
Cracks in tomatoes
By Don
Question: why am I getting large cracks in my tomatoes? Answer: Either you are overwatering your tomato plants, or, the ground was dry and suddenly you got a heavy rain, which could cause the fruit to grow and expand quickly, thus causing the crack. … [Read More...]
Vegetable Garden Woes
By Don
Question: When spring is cool and wet, how can I support healthy peppers and tomatoes? Answer: Growing a successful vegetable garden in Indiana can certainly be a challenge. No two growing seasons are ever quite the same and it seems like we have different problems to deal with each and every year. When a year starts out with a cool and wet … [Read More...]
Squash leaves turning yellow
By Don
Question from Angela I am having trouble with my squash plants. The leaves are turning yellow and the squash are going bad before they get more than 3-4 inches long. Someone mentioned it might be a vine bore. How can I get rid of it and is there any chance of saving my plant? Thanks Answer from Master Gardener Bob There are several … [Read More...]
Caterpillar on container planting
By Don
Question from Peggy I found this caterpillar on my container planting. I don't know what it is. Can you identify it for me? I don't know if it will do damage to my plant and if I should remove it. Answer from Master Gardener Bob Peggy; you have an American Lady caterpillar. It will become a beautiful butterfly and will not hurt your … [Read More...]
Wilted Pepper Plants
By Don
My three pepper plants have started to wilt. it has been dry and hot here, but we had rain 7-10 days ago. Any suggestions? With the hot weather we have had recently pepper plants like most garden vegetables need additional and consistent watering. Anytime temperatures are in the upper 80’s to 90’s they will typically need to be watered every 3-4 … [Read More...]
Tomato Plant Leaf Spots And Yellow Leaves
By Don
Question from Don My tomato plants are starting to display yellow leaves with dark brown spots near the bottom of the plants. On a few plants this seems to be spreading to the leaves immediately above the affected leaves. What can I do? Answer from Master Gardener Bob If you have noticed tomato leaf spots and the lower leaves turning … [Read More...]